Alchemy Armory

14th Century
In Stock

Currently Booked until: Not bookedAccepting new orders! 

February 28/2013: Corrazina pics : Actually made this armor a few years ago, but didn't get pics of it up before.  Pics are here.

January 31st/2013: Back in business! : After a lengthy break of a few years to take care of family, I decided to restart my business and make armor again. 

Olds (News that's not as new)

September 23rd/2007:
New elbow size : I finally got an order for a pair of arms that were very small (less that 12" circumference), so I want ahead and got forms made for them.  They worked out great, and are now available. 

Price Correction : As well, due to the current rates between the US and Canadian dollars, I've changed the prices on my webpage. 

March 13th/2007: Covered Churburg : Someone asked me to make them a Churburg breastplate and cover it with fabric.  I think the results were pretty nice.  You can see pics of it here.  The pics are a bit big, sorry for that.

January 2007: Now in our 7th Year : Still making armor, and happy to be doing so.  I should have a couple of new items to show this year, stay tuned...

August 30th/2006:
Back from Pennsic: Actually, I've been back for about a week now.  Pennsic was lots of fun, especially the Tuchux charity tourney, which I survived!  Better than that, I got to test how much damage my gauntlets sustain after punching people in the helmet;  I was closing as much as possible, and even won one bout by punching my opponent's helm off, and the gauntlets were fine.  Back to work for me!

August 3rd,/2006: Leaving for Pennsic Tomorrow: I'll be away from phone and email from August 4th to the 21st; I'll be catching up on my emails after that.  

June 29th/2006:
Going to Pennsic : I'll be at Pennsic this year, camping with House Ironwolf.  I have an agreement with Sir Karl Von Sussen of Highland Arms to sell some armor for me, most likely gauntlets, pauldrons and gorgets.  If you have any special requests, be sure to email me before August. 

May 2nd/2006:
Price Change : The Canadian Dollar is currently at $.90 US; I had to finally break down and update my webpage to reflect this.  I haven't actually raised my Canadian prices in about 2 years, it's all been the exchange rates...

April 10th/2006:
New Milestone : It's tax season in Canada, and after looking at my records, I've noticed that I've made OVER 100 SUITS OF ARMOR!!  Again, Woo hoo!

January 24th/2006:
Now in our 6th Year : Woo hoo!  Thanks to all my customers for your support.

December 12th/2005: Merry Christmas : And a happy New Year, while I'm at it.  Tied for 5th at the Northern Shores Rattan Championships, I'm happy with that.   I have a few  things that I've been working on that I hope to have ready to show for the New Year; check back later for more updates. 

October 7th/2005: Training for a Tourney : I'm training for a tourney, "Northern Shores Regional Rattan Championships", to be held at the event "Martinmas Comes Late this Year".  It's set for November 26th, so I have a month and a half of pell work and biking to get me in shape.  The website is here.  Things are going just  tickety-boo in the shop (that's good), everything's on schedule. 

September 21st/2005: New Server : By the time you read this I should be all set up on my new server.  After almost 5 years with my last host, they went out of business.  But here's to a smooth transition!

August 28th/2005:
Page updated :
I've  recently finished some upgrades to my webpage, mainly to the nav bar (giving the Japanese armor it's own button), but this will also let me add pages later as I come up with them.

July 5th/2005: 2nd Japanese suit finished : I've recently finished a second Japanese suit for Tony Kennedy, and with the help of my tall friend Sean I have some pics of it.  Pics can be seen here.

June 17th/2005:
Son born :
This morning at 10:25 my wife Chantal Boudreau gave birth to a boy, Etienne Sylvain Boudreau.  It's our second child and first boy.  He weighed 8 lbs and 11 oz, and had APGAR scores of 9 & 10.  It was an easy birth, Chantal is doing fine and the baby is good and fat.  I'll be taking a week or so off to adjust to the changes, but then I'm full time for a year which means I should be able to finish orders faster.

April 1st/2005: Helped Truehearth Armouries move : After over four years of sharing a shop with Carlo Carignan at Truehearth Armouries, he has found and moved to his dream home, with about four times as much space as he had at my shop.  What does this mean for me?  On the up side, twice as much space, so I'll hopefully have space to keep things in stock.  On the down side, Carlo was a great source of advice and ideas over the years, as well as someone to talk  to on long days at work.  Good luck Carlo!

Feb 10th/2005:
Coat of plates specials :
While looking through my leather stock, I notices some odd pieces and some suede that's been around for a while.  The suede is very nice , and the leather doesn't match, but it would make a fine coat of plates of many colors... So I'm offering a special while I've got it, see my "In Stock"  page for availability. 

Jan 1st/2005: Now in our 5th Year : A big thanks to all my customers for your support, I couldn't do it without you.  

Dec 16th/2004: New new computer : Merry Christmas & Happy New year; new computer is up and running this time, all fixed (really this time).  I'll be answering email regularly. 

Oct 13th/2004: Sold out at Pennsic: All but half gauntlets, wo ho!  Been back for a bit, and had some server problems; hence no update for a while.   All fixed now.  I'll be trying to make more stock , and there should be some changes in the format of my pages in the near future...

Aug 10th/2004: Leaving for Pennsic Tomorrow: Didn't get a chance for an update last month, that's how busy I've been making armor for Pennsic.  I've arranged for Sir Karl Von Sussen of Highland Arms to sell some armor for me.  Look for him at Space 149.   

May  3rd/2004: Crown Tourney Over: I recently competed in my first SCA crown tourney, which I did ok at, with 2 wins.  Better than that, I got to field test my Mogami Do, which worked well and got many compliments, including from the SCA king of the East.  Pictures are up now.

April  2nd/2004: Getting ready for crown tourney: I'll be fighting in the SCA East kingdom spring crown tourney on May 1st, and I was sick for a week, so with all this and lots of orders to make, I won't have time to keep too much in stock (still have pauldrons, elbows and knees).  If I've told you it's in stock, then it's accounted for, you'll get your armor.  I'll be back to making some stock items again sometime after May 1, depending on when the bruises heal...

March 1st/2004: Axes back in the works: Finally found time to make some axe heads.  Single edged are now in stock, and I'm working on two additional types: double edged, and single edged "mini-hammer backed". 

January 1st/2004: Now in our fourth year: I've been in business since 2000, so I guess that makes this my fourth year.  I'd like to send  out a big thank you to all my customers, past and present. 


14th Century
In Stock